Top stories: news and views from around the world
England’s day of shame: A country captured by “gambling liars, frivolous clowns and their paid cheerleaders”
by Trevor Grundy Conservative MPs have praised it as a triumph, the day that marks the end of decades of inter-party squabbling about Britain’s role in Europe…. Read more >
Anglican and Roman Catholic archbishops are not what the Christian faithful deserve, says outspoken religious affairs correspondent
Canterbury Cathedral, the Mother Church of the worldwide Anglican Communion (Picture: Trevor Grundy) by Trevor Grundy It’s the 850th anniversary of the murder in Canterbury Cathedral of Thomas Becket… Read more >
Christmas in Britain 2020: Hungry children walk in the footsteps of Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist
Scrooge ( disguised as the multi-millionaire Jacob Rees-Mogg) gives Tiny Tim and his crutches made by Unicef a good kicking in Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. (Cartoon in The Times… Read more >
John Lennon (1940-1980) – A world without countries and no religion, too
A wall painting of John Lennon in Prague where the British musician is idolised by the old and young – Picture: Trevor Grundy by Trevor Grundy For many… Read more >