Top stories: news and views from around the world

Fascism: Where it came from and the tacit support it received from prominent figures
Failed Fuhrers – A History of Britain’s Extreme Right by Graham Macklin (Routledge and New York US$ 26.00. pp. 580. “Some day, in the not too distant… Read more >

Mr Clean’s decade as Tanzania’s head of state was marred by mismanagement and corruption
Ben Mkapa (pictured) dismantled Nyerere’s Ujamaa and replaced it with a free market set-up riddled with home-grown nepotism and corruption By Trevor Grundy Benjamin Mkapa, the journalist who… Read more >

Ndabaningi Sithole’s place in African history is assured whether Zanu(PF) likes it or not
Ndabaningo Sithole with Herbert Chitepo who was assassinated in Lusaka in March 1975. (Picture: Trevor Grundy Archives) By Trevor Grundy July 21 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth… Read more >