Top stories: news and views from around the world
Italian election 2022: A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of born-again Fascism
A century after the Blackshirt March on Rome in October 1922, Benito Mussolini’s ghost is haunting Europe by TREVOR GRUNDY Apologies to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels… Read more >
‘Red List’ – New book gives a valuable insight into the world of M15 and the pro-communist wannabes it monitored
Book Review Red List – MI5 and British Intellectuals in the Twentieth Century by David Caute, Verso (2022) 404 pp. £25.00) Review by Trevor Grundy THE HISTORIAN and journalist… Read more >
Dark and darker shall days coming be . . . What shall ye do then who seek the light?
A deserted Kent beach, thanks to the greed of water companies and shareholders who care for nothing but their ever- swelling bank accounts. (Picture: Trevor Grundy) GUEST WRITER OF… Read more >